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Ocala Electric Utility is providing a list of local contractors to assist our customers when installing central air conditioning or heat pump systems, or upgrading attic insulation in their home or business. Pre-qualified contractors sign an agreement to provide HVAC and insulation services to our customers. These contractors have met Ocala Electric Utility's requirements for insurance and licensing (if required by law).

All pre-qualified contractors will assist our customers with the rebate process by: providing rebate forms, explaining eligibility, and helping customers correctly complete and submit the form(s). Other contractors may be used for rebates as well, but the customer will be responsible for obtaining and submitting the appropriate rebate paperwork. As new contractors become pre-qualified they will be added to our list.

DISCLAIMER: Ocala Electric Utility makes no representations or warranties regarding the qualifications or quality of workmanship of any of the listed contractors, nor is the listing to be considered an endorsement of any such contractor. The customer is solely responsible for arrangements for, and results, of any work performed by the contractor.